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2 Replies

Is it possiblt to search for an employee by zip code (private address)? I want to find all employees with private zip code 999.

I tried to use extended search filter "private address contains 9999" but this is not working.

How could i solve this similar like it works for customer addresses?

Using OpenERP 7.


Best Answer

In employee search view, on name field, add this filter, like this: <field name="name" string="Employees" filter_domain="[('','ilike',self)]"/> address_home_id means Private address and it's zip field, on which you want to search. After doing this, update hr module and search with '999' in search view. It will come up with the record in which zip code is set as '999' of private address.

Thanks, Priyesh Solanki


hi and many thanks, works perfect! Is there also a way to modify extended search for "Private address" ?

Did not get you. Do you want to modify search view of Private address object, i mean res.partner ? Please explain more.


I would like to kombine more complex searches via extended search possibility. For example: Show me all employees with name=xxx and private zipcode = 999 and sex=male. This does currently not work,because private address does not search zip code but only private employee name.

Either you can override original search view by code or you can use Advanced Search feature from search view and You can add as many conditions as you want.

Best Answer

hello plz can any1 tell me how to search sales order record by customer's email and phone number


shashank verma

skype id

