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15 Replies

Accountants are used to the thousands separator e.g. 102563.00 EUR is represented as 102,563.00 for the sake of clarity. How to enable it?

Best Answer

The setup of the thousands separator is located under: Settings > Translations > Languages.

For each language, you can set a different separator format (and few other formatting options like the dates format or the text direction).

3 options modify the format of a number:

  • Separator format: number of digits between separators
  • Thousands Separator: the character displayed at each separation
  • Decimal Separator: character displayed before the decimals

If you use [3,3,3,-1], the number 1232345.01 will be displayed 1,232,345.01. However, the number 1237891232345.01 will be displayed 1237'891'232'345.01.

The -1 at the end of the list means 'stop the separation'. The value 0 can be used to mean 'repeat the last group at infinite'.

So the correct form for a separator between each 3 digits whatever the number of digits is: [3, 0].

Reference: Olivier Dony's comment


But it dont work with e-mail template! REFERENCES Order number: SO008 Order total: 7315.0 EUR

i have made these changes but got js error , undefine seprator bcz i think by mistake i have do this way [,3,3,3, -1] now please tell me how to resolve it please help me

Author Best Answer

Under Settings > Languages > Your favorite language you will find two fields: thousands separator which is , in English by default, but to make it work you also need to set the Separator Format. [3,3,3,-1] will make sure e.g. that 1232345.01 EUR appears as 1,232,345.01 EUR. The tooltip of the Separator Format will show you that the separator is fully customizable. Apparently, some countries prefer 4 instead of 3 digits for separation.


Please see my response, the format [3,3,3,-1] is not correct when the number of digits is > 12.

I found that by doing exactly this, a number such as 108,253 is changed automatically into 108 when creating accounting entries. I used [3,3,3,-1], "," as decimal and "." as thousands separator.


That is because I used the . as decimal and , as thousands separator and you do the opposite. The precision of your accounting entries depends on the Decimal Precision in the Technical Features.

i have made these changes but got js error , undefine seprator

i have used by mistake [,3,3,3, -1] now please tell me how to resolve it

Best Answer

Sorry for the repetition as answer. The separator is not working in email templates!


Me too some one has it solved?

Best Answer

For those who are looking format prices in emails templates, this worked for me:   (You should get prices like:  9,000.00  )

Best Answer

how to remove nol after comma in website price? example 9000,00 appears as 9000

Best Answer

Moved to "ask a question".. sorry

Best Answer

To see [Language] menu under [Translation], your user account should be enabled for [Technical Features] even if you are System Administrator.

