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How to create sales funnel for closed opportunities (win/lost rate for each stage)? I want to see conversion rate for each stage (to see how many opportunities were lost on each stage). For example for all closed opportunities I want to see smth. like this:

  • Stage "New" - 1000 opportunities (conversion = 900/1000 = 90%)
  • Stage "Qualification" - 900 opportunities (conversion = 810/900 = 90%)
  • Stage "Proposition" - 810 opportunities (conversion = 10/810 =~1,2%)
  • Stage "Negotiation" - 10 opportunities (conversion = 100%)
  • "Win" - 10 opportunities (total conversion 1%)
  • "Lost" - 990 opportunities (99% of all closed opportunities)

So, in this report I could see that I have 1000 closed opportunities, 910 of them were lost and 810 of them were lost at "Proposition" stage (conversion for this stage is vary bad ~1,2%). So it's seems to be a problem on "Proposition" stage.

Here is a good example of sales funnel for closed opportunities: screenshot (sorry I haven't got enough carma to post img)


Hello did you get any positive answer ? Many thanks

Best Answer

Logically, you would do that only for lost opportunities. But the won one have already gone through all stages to the end. Hence, henever an opportunity is closed as lost, the counting must take place.
