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Hello, I am using openerp v7.0 For my accounting, I use the default chart of accounts of the finance module. For my country (France), it contains 975 lines. I have two questions : 1- Is there a clean manner to export it entirely to a csv? Indeed, when I try to export it, I can do that page by page, as it is displayed on several pages, each one containing 80 lines.

2- Even when I manage to export it, I obtain much more lines than displayed. Here are for example the first 7 lines, where some are almost empty (line 1 is header, line 2 is the root of chart of account, line 3 is almost empty and I cannot explain why it is there. Line 4 is an account, while the subsequent one are almost empty). These almost empty lines appear for many other kinds of export that I do (partners, products and so on..) Can you help by explaining why are there these almost empty lines? :

Thanks a lot for help

"__export__.account_account_33","account.data_account_type_view","True","False","__export__.account_account_34","0","base.main_company","","","","","","","","View","MY COMPANY","At Date","","","1943","",""
"__export__.account_account_34","account.data_account_type_view","True","False","__export__.account_account_35","Classes 1 à 5","base.main_company","","","","","","","","View","Comptes de bilan","At Date","__export__.account_account_33","1","1170","",""
Best Answer

On any list view, click Import and select a file.

At the bottom of the screen you will see comprehensive help explaining why you have blank lines - they are related records from a 1 to many relationship.

For another example, see


Thanks a lot Ray. It seems in fact that in my example of chart of accounts, the empty lines correspond to children of a given account. Do you see any solution for my first question, ie. downloading a list view spanning several pages?

Author Best Answer

Hello, I found a manner to export a list view spanning several pages. I post it here in case someone reads the post. When a list viw spans several pages, you find at the top right of the pages "1-80 of 1089" for example, if the list view contains a total of 1089 lines. That string is in fact clickable. So click it, a dropdown will appear to change the number of lines to be viewed. Just select unlimited, and do the select all, and then export in the usual way.
