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2 Replies

Hi All!

The situation is the following:

I have two different raw materials: Raw1 >> diameter 65 mm Raw2 >> diameter 63 mm

P1 diameter 60 mm P2 diameter 64 mm

My product( P1) diameter is 60. So in this case I can create my P1 from Raw1 and Raw2 also. When we create the sales order we do not know exactly what Raw material is in our Raw mat. Supplier. So sometimes we use Raw1 and sometimes Raw2. (That's why I cannot use 2 BOM one for Raw1 usage one for Raw2 usage and select it before order) Sure some other products (P2) we us exactly the Raw1 because the Product diameter is 64.

So haw can I handle this situation? I am afraid I have to create a new module what is inherit the procurement, for the alternative material usage. Somebody already did something like this? If yes what is the best way to modify the procurement. (New work flow step...or what...)

Best Answer

If I change the raw material how can I calculate the real cost of the product?


It really work but I need flexibility in the production order to change the bom or if a product would scraped the cost must be add to the prodcution.

Best Answer

Perhaps you can look at

It may be easy to get it working with 6.1.
