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2 Replies

we use v7.0 (SaaS Version on a local installation). By default there is a user 'Administrator' (which is quite useful of course) and also an employee 'Administrator' (which is linked to the user 'Administrator' by default [at least in our system it was]).

It's the guy that looks so 'hands on' on the photo in his shirt and tie, without the jacket. A real problem solver I'd say. Gives a lot of confidence, but ... should I really pay the guy?

Ok my question: I think the user 'Administrator' is a role. One, maybe more employees (or even an outsider) will play this role over time. I want to remove the employee 'Administrator'. I think it has no use In Our case there is no real employee who's singular job is to be the Administrator of OpenERP.

So, Stop me now with a good reason or I'll fire him !!! Within this week! Maybe even tomorrow !!!

Best Answer

As Grover posts, you DO NEED the admin user.

You DO NOT NEED the admin employee.

It would be better to inactivate the employee rather than delete, in case there are any modules that rely on that record. This way no employee related document can be created, but no problems will occur if a module looks for the admin employee record.


thanks, both. And ... that's what I did. Deacticated the employee "Administrator". I don't it is real logical that the employee Administrator exists in the first place.

Best Answer

On every system there is someone who has more rights than the others, but that doesn't mean that some employee is going to be paid only for being the administrator, you can be the administrator but also you can have another role on the system. When something happens then you can enter and solve it. Why you can't delete this user? Because Admin user has ALL the power and even when you have more admins anyone is going to have the same rights. By default the system has SUPERUSER=1, so the admin needs to be there ALWAYS.
