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From an invoice, I click Register Payment. However, Payment Method includes only two items: Cash (USD) and Bank (USD). My invoice, journal, and accounts relating to this transaction are all in NGN and that's how I want to record the payment. Where can I add a new Payment Method such as Cash (NGN)?



I have ver 7.0 I have looked in Accounting/Configuration/Journals/Journals both Cash and Bank and I cannot find an option "Allow multi-currencies" to check?

Best Answer

Payment Methods are Journals of type Cash or type Bank and Checks.

These are managed via the menu sequence:

Accounting --> Configuration --> Journals --> Journals

You can define a currency for each Journal when you set it up, and you need to check the 'Allow multi-currencies' option from the menu sequence:

Settings --> Accounting

EDIT: To address followup question:

To understand OpenERP you need a mixture of

Make sure you know about all of the Documentation sources (and more details on blogs, videos and slides) at

Specifically for your question:

1) The link between a payment method and a journal, it is discussed at

2) That the TYPE of Journal is important, can be found by looking at the XML that defines the dropdown. You can activate developer mode ( and examine the XML that defines the form view. (The Edit FormView option in the debug dropdown on the Payment screen). You can see the XML definition for payment method is:

<field name="journal_id" domain="[('type','in',['bank', 'cash'])]" ...

Thanks, works perfectly! Your first sentence was the key. To guide my self-education, is there somewhere I should be looking other than to find this kind of thing?


Awesome, super helpful!

Best Answer


In order to create a Payment Method is POS in Odoo , the following steps needs to be followed :-

  • First thing which is required is to be done is to create a ACCOUNT, by following ACCOUNTING>CONFIGURATION>ACCOUNTS. We can either copy any exiting account or create a new one depending on the requirement

  • After creating an account, we need to create a JOURNAL, which is in turn a PAYMENT METHOD for our Point Of Sales. During this journal creation we would assign the account created by us in the previous step. The Journal can be created either following POINT OF SALES>CONFIGURATION>PAYMENT METHOD Or ACCOUNTING>CONFIGURATION>JOURNALS

  • Now once the Payment Method is created as described above, we need to add the new Payment Method to the Point Of Sales by following, POINT OF SALES>CONFIGURATION>POINT OF SALES. Here we need add the new payment method under “AVAILABLE PAYMENT METHODS”

           Now we can use the payment method created.


 Hope it helps!




This didn't answer the initial question but it did answer my question: how to add a different payment method, other then cash and bank transfer. We have a lot of payments being paid by credit card or direct debit, so we do not want them to end up in a list of items that need batch payment via bank transfer.

Best Answer

In the payment method, whether it is Visa ,cash  how is the correct accounting entry made?
