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3 Replies

I have 3 pricelists for a company as follows:

  1. Wholesale bulk (Whole cases are sold to large retailers)
  2. Wholesale less than a case( Cases are broken up for smaller retailers)
  3. Retail (price direct to consumer)

My question is this, how do I define the different price lists as I have to do a CSV import of over 2400 items? Normally pricelists have rules that define the markup as a formula from the cost or the previous pricelist. The problem is that the difference in pricing does not follow a fixed markup across the entire product range. For eg. lists will have the following price structure:

  • Item A- Cost $1.00 Price 1: $1.50 Price 2: $1.75 Price 3: $2.25
  • Item B- Cost $2.00 Price 1: $2.50 Price 2: $2.75 Price 3: $3.25
  • Item C- Cost $6.00 Price 1: $8.50 Price 2: $9.75 Price 3: $12.25
  • Item D- Cost $4.00 Price 1: $5.50 Price 2: $6.75 Price 3: $8.25

As you can see there is no fixed %markup. Pricing is done according to market dictates. It is a competitive market with price fluctuations according to supply and demand.

Best Answer

If you have multiple prices without any kind of relation between them, what you need to do is adding multiple price fields on your product object.

Then you create a price type setting Product Field for each product Sale price field you created.

Sales -> Configuration -> Pricelist -> Price type

And in your pricelists you select the price type and then it will be based on the field.

This way you will have independent pricelists.

So you will have:

  • Product1

    • Sale price1: 1$
    • Sale price2: 42$

  • Price Type1

    • Product Field: Sale price1

  • Price Type2

    • Product Field: Sale price2

  • Pricelist1

    • Pricelist Type: Price Type 1

  • Pricelist2

    • Pricelist Type: Price Type 2

Thanks will give it a go


I am having a bit of trouble creating the fields. I have browsed the fields in the database structure. There are several relationships that need to be defined. Also which are the specific default files that I need to duplicate. Obviously I will have to rename and relabel the fields. I also need to know how many and which different types of fields to create per price. I would really appreciate the help. Thanks in advance.

Hello mamak111, in my exemple, Sale price1 and Sale price2 are 2 fields. But as you already have an existing Sale price you just need to create one. And for one field you will have one Price Type.

I just corrected a typo. You will have 2 resulting pricelists not only one.

Best Answer

There is an easy way to accomplish this using the built in pricing formula. The first option in the formula is a discount off the base price. Just enter a -1 (negative 1) in this box. By doing this you get Base Price * (1 + -1), so it multiplies by 0 and the Base Price is removed from the equation.


Dear Mathew


Hi Mathew. Could you please explain this a bit more. How will I then add Price 2 and price 3 to the product?

You create a different pricelist version for each. Within each CSV import, you want to have items_id/price_discount be -1 for everything and have items_id/price_surcharge be the fixed price. That is how you prevent each pricelist version from be dependent on the others, because it does (1 + -1) * base price + surcharge, so it multiplies by 0 and you are left with only the surcharge.

To get a good idea, manually create two pricelist versions with just 3 or 4 products in each then export them so you can see the correct format.

Great Matthew. Thanks for this, useful, simple advice

Best Answer

Another way is to use scripts, which will add the prices to the correct pricelist (and ignoring all prices on the product). This way, you can specify the period the price(s) is/are valid, so you can keep track of the history.


To use the script, I have installed openerp-client-lib

I use a CSV-file, which has at least the productcode (unique), and the new price

import openerplib
import datetime

## default values
# To store data
h = ""
db= "database_name"
u = "admin"
p = "adminpw"

line = '-' *45 + '\n'
file_prijslijst = 'pricelist.csv'
f_error = 'importError.csv'
f_result = 'importResult.txt'
namePartner = 'name of the partner/pricelist'

def printHeading():
  dateX = str(
  f_res.write('-' * 10 + dateX+'\n')

def initConnection(h, db, u, p):
  f_res.write('Connecting to %s \nuser: %s\ndatabase: %s\n' %(h, u, db))
  return openerplib.get_connection(
    hostname=h, database=db, login=u, password=p)

def addValsToDB(c, m, vals):
  f_res.write('Adding data to %s\n' %(m))
  print 'Adding data to', m
  model = c.get_model(m)
  result = []
  i = 0
  for v in vals:
    i += 1
    x, y = divmod(i, 100)
    if y == 0:
      f_res.write('Added already %d records to %s\n' %(x*100, m))
      print 'Added already %d records to %s' %(x*100, m)
  f_res.write('Number of records added: %d\n' %(len(result)))
  print 'Number of records added: %d' %(len(result))
  return result

## Start of the script
f_res = open(f_result,'w')
f_fout = open(f_error, 'w')

connection = initConnection(h, db, u, p)


f_lijst = open(file_prijslijst)
heading = f_lijst.readline()

# pricelist for namePartner
m = "product.pricelist"
print 'Creating', m, namePartner

vals = []
'name': namePartner,
'company_id': 1,
'version_id': [],
'currency_id': 1, #this is EURO
'commrate': 0,
'active': True,
'type': 'sale'
myPriceList = addValsToDB(connection, m, vals)
myPriceList = myPriceList[0] #to get the ID, instead of [id]

# Pricelist Version
m = "product.pricelist.version"
vals = []
'items_id': [],
'name': namePartner + ' - version',
'date_end': '2013-12-31',
'date_start': '2013-01-01',
'active': True,
'pricelist_id': myPriceList,
res = addValsToDB(connection, m, vals)

# Pricelist item
m = "product.pricelist.item"

prod_obj = connection.get_model('product.product')
vals = []
for l in f_lijst:
  res = l.replace('\n','').split(';')
  #zoek productID, adhv code
  prodID =[('default_code', '=', res[1])])
  if prodID == []:
#    print 'ERROR, niet te vinden:', l
    f_fout.write('ERROR;product %s-%s, %s niet te vinden\n' %(res[1], res[2],res[4]))
  'price_round': 0.0,
  'price_discount': -1.0,
  'base_pricelist_id': 1,
  'sequence': 25,
  'price_max_margin': 0.0,
  'product_tmpl_id': False,
  'product_id': prodID[0], #Product to use
  'base': 1,
  'price_version_id': myPriceList,
  'min_quantity': 0,
  'price_surcharge': float(res[8]), # 0.0, #From the file
  'price_min_margin': 0.0,
  'categ_id': False,
  'name': '%s-%s, %s' %(res[1], res[2], res[4]),
# add a reference to DEFAULT pricelist, so articles which are not defined are used from DEFAULT
  'price_round': 0.0,
  'price_discount': 0.0,
  'base_pricelist_id':  1, #DEFAULT
  'sequence': 50,
  'price_max_margin': 0.0,
  'product_tmpl_id': False,
  'base': -1,
  'price_version_id': myPriceList,
  'min_quantity': 0,
  'price_surcharge': 0,
  'price_min_margin': 0.0,
  'categ_id': False,
  'name': 'Alle andere producten',
res = addValsToDB(connection, m, vals)


print line
print 'Einde'
# vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=2:softtabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:

Thanks I will really appreciate having a sample to work with.

Example will be posted after my holidays.... I'll change my answer to include it.


Thanks in advance


Thanks for the sample script. However I fear that this is a bit above my skill set. I am trying to work with it in a demo company and will hopefully understand it. Appreciate the effort, thanks

@Mamak, feel free to contact me directly if you need help. Can tell you more by email.