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When I refund from an invoice there is no origin reference given. How do I link them? Couldn't find reason in Source, any help is kindly welcome.



I've been tinkering with OpenERP since V5. Returns & refunds have been the weakest part of the whole system for me. No visual indicator on an invoice that it has been returned always leads to problems.


I made an addon for that issue, adding invoice.internal_number to origin in refund invoice. That works so far and at least lets have a linking. I wonder, why this is not done in public account addon.

Hello! I've the same problem, no trackback from refund to original invoice. Can you give me some indications on how to implement this in my installation or where I can download the addon? Thanks. - this works well in version 7.0 but I changed the name of the tab to 'Refunded From'.

Author Best Answer

According to Andrea Trincia asked me to show her how to add invoice id to refund I will show my solution here that of course could have been done better. This just solved my issue I got on that point.

I made an addon with that file:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from openerp.osv import fields, osv

class account_invoice(osv.osv):
    _name= 'account.invoice'
    _inherit= 'account.invoice'

    def refund(self, cr, uid, ids, date=None, period_id=None, description=None, journal_id=None, context=None):
        invoice_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice')

        new_ids = super(account_invoice, self).refund(cr, uid, ids, date, period_id, description, journal_id, context)

        for refund_id ,invoice in zip(new_ids, self.browse(cr, uid, ids)):
            self.write(cr, uid, refund_id, {'origin': invoice.internal_number})

        return new_ids


This just adds the id of invoice to origin field. There might have been a one2one connection between but that has not been necessary for my issue.


Comment from the Question: - this works well in version 7.0 but I changed the name of the tab to 'Refunded From'. Ray Carnes (May 8 '13)